ACI Statement on EFSA Pausing CBD Novel Foods Applications
In light of the recent statement made by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA): ACI is aware of the recent statement from EFSA regarding novel food applications which lack the data required to make a judgement of safety. As we are not informed on the content of those individual applications, we are not in a […]
First FSA on-the-record comments on new CBD products

Since the FSA Public List of CBD products was published on 31 March there has been considerable media coverage regarding its content. Much of the focus has been on companies claiming that despite not being on the list they can remain on the market because they are supplied by a company which has products on […]
World first for consumer cannabinoids as UK’s FSA releases list of permitted CBD products

The UK has become the first country in the world to regulate the market for safe, orally consumed legal cannabis extracts, following the release today of the Food Standards Agency’s public list of cannabinoid (CBD) products permitted for sale to consumers. Publication of the list – a key stage on the path to full authorisation, […]
ACI to Open Brussels Office to Expand EU Offering
ACI have opened a new Brussels office as we expand our membership offering into the European Union (EU) for the first time.
Taskforce for Innovation, Growth and Regulatory Reform: Major Boost for the Cannabinoid Sector
The Taskforce on Innovation, Growth and Regulatory Reform (TIGRR) has today reported its recommendations to the Prime Minister on how the UK can reshape regulation and seize new opportunities from Brexit.
ACI Launches Membership Package to Support Businesses to Enter The New Regulated Consumer Cannabinoid Markets
The Association for the Cannabinoid Industry (ACI) today announced an updated new membership offering to support companies who wish to enter the newly regulated UK consumer cannabinoid market. The flexible 2022 Accelerator Package enables prospective members to navigate the UK regulatory landscape. It provides new members an end-to-end solution for full market authorisation for their […]
ACI to Host Event to Discuss our Recent Green Shoots Report
Register now for our upcoming event on Wednesday 19th May to discuss and consider the findings and conclusions of our recent report – Green Shoots: Sowing the seeds of the new UK cannabinoid market
Market Sizing: Demand for CBD Soars During Lockdown As UK Market Now Estimated at £690 Million
ACI and Centre for Medicinal Cannabis (CMC) today launch the report Green Shoots – Sowing The Seeds Of The New UK Cannabinoid Market with a new assessment of the size of the UK consumer cannabidiol (CBD) sector.
ACI Submits Response On Behalf of our Members to ACMD’s Call for Evidence on Cannabinoids in CBD Products
Following a consultation with our members ACI have compiled a response to the Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs’ (ACMD) recent call for evidence on cannabinoids in CBD products.
ACI Strongly Refute Contents of Letter Published by BHA, CTA, NIHA and SHA
ACI today publicly rebuts the content and claims made in a letter published and shared widely on social media on Friday 26 March 2021.