[Analytical Cannabis] Proving CBD’s Safety in the UK
To find out more about ACI’s safety studies, the future of CBD in the UK, and what it takes to pass a novel foods assessment, Analytical Cannabis caught up with the ACI’s regulatory lead, Dr Parveen Bhatarah.
[Food Navigator] UK CBD industry body becalmed after novel foods applications clarification
The UK’s Food Standards Authority has clarified the data requirements for CBD novel foods applications. This has been welcomed by CBD industry body the ACI as an important step in ensuring the sector’s safety credentials during a time when a cloud of regulatory uncertainty hangs in other parts of Europe.
[Hemp Industry Daily] UK’s CBD market scrambles to prepare for March novel food deadline
Starting April 1 2021, no CBD product on the U.K. market will be allowed to stay there without validation by food-safety authorities. Hemp Industry Daily takes a look at the readiness of the industry.
[EU Today] UK CBD Industry Going Strong Despite Ongoing Setbacks
Although Covid-19 continues to have a profoundly negative effect on the UK’s economy, some businesses have seen growth. One market that appears to be doing particularly well is cannabidiol (CBD): the beneficial, non-intoxicating cannabis compound.
[Analytical Cannabis] The ACI Adds 16 CBD Companies to Its CBD Toxicity Trial
Sixteen CBD companies have signed up to a UK trial that will help determine the toxicity and safety of the popular cannabis compound.
The study, which has been organized by the UK’s Association for the Cannabinoid Industry (ACI), will involve 90-day-long tests on rodents to assess how CBD affects the liver, if it promotes drowsiness, and how it may interact with other drugs.
[Hemp Today] British CBD group says it may spend up to €1 million on tests
A British trade group says it has formed a consortium that may spend up to £1million (€1 million; $1.27 million) to carry out trials aimed
[Canex] UK CBD Industry Body Announce Landmark Safety Study Consortia
Today, the Association for the Cannabinoid Industry (ACI), in partnership with Advanced Development and Safety Laboratory (ADSL), is announcing a landmark study with a consortium of CBD companies to build a sustainable, safe, and fully compliant industry in the UK.
[CBD Intel] ACI consortium approach to obtain safety data for CBD moves forward
The Association for the Cannabinoid Industry will move forward with its consortium approach to obtaining toxicology and safety data for CBD with at least 15 companies having signed up.
[Food Navigator] CBD industry consortium kicks off ‘landmark Safety Study’: The UK will be in a position to take the global lead on CBD in food
A UK CBD industry body is leading a consortium of companies to conduct a ‘landmark’ study on the safety of cannabidiol. This mean manufacturers in the country are in a ‘position to take the global lead’ on CBD in food, FoodNavigator was told.
[The Cannavist] The Association for the Cannabinoid Industry (ACI) has announced details of a study that will assess the safety of CBD ahead of the March 2021 novel foods deadline
The ACI has teamed up with the Advanced Development and Safety Laboratory (ADSL) and a consortium of CBD companies who are ‘committed to building a sustainable, safe and fully compliant industry in the UK’.
[New Food Magazine] Plans announced for creation of safe, sustainable CBD industry
Today (25 September 2020), the Association for the Cannabinoid Industry (ACI), in partnership with Advanced Development and Safety Laboratory (ADSL), has announced the launch of a landmark study with a consortium of CBD companies who are jointly committed to building a sustainable, safe and fully-compliant industry in the UK.
[BusinessCann] Fifteen Company Consortium For Europe’s Largest – £1m – CBD Toxicity Trial
With the Novel Food Validation deadline date of March 31, 2021, approaching, the research is designed to assure UK regulators, the Food Standards Agency, of the safety of the CBD products of the participating companies.
[HBW Insight] UK CBD Industry Welcomes FSA Clarification On Novel Food Evidence Requirement
The UK’s Association for the Cannabinoid Industry has welcomed a clarification from the country’s Food Standards Agency concerning the need for new evidence as part of Novel Food applications for cannabidiol food supplements.
[Hemp Industry Daily] UK food regulators reject CBD as narcotic, stand by novel food deadline
Great Britain has rejected the European Commission’s preliminary stance that hemp flower-derived CBD should be regulated as a narcotic, a key food safety regulator in the United Kingdom says.
[BusinessCann] ‘Big Pharma’ And ‘Black Market’ Fears In Wake Of Europe’s ‘Narcotic’ CBD Call
Any decisions concerning CBD in Europe would have little impact on the UK market, and could even be a golden opportunity for our domestic CBD industry, which is estimated to be worth £1bn by 2025.
[New Food] The Potential Impact of Classifying CBD as a Narcotic
The European Commission is reviewing whether CBD should be classified as a narcotic. Dr Parveen Bhatarah, Head of Regulatory and Compliance Unit at The Association of the Cannabinoid Industry, explains the impact this could have on both the European and UK markets.
[Food Navigator] Love Hemp: ‘We’ve positioned ourselves as a global brand’
The CBD industry has just been dealt a potentially dangerous blow, however, with the news that the European Commission is considering classifying it as a narcotic instead of a Novel Food. While a decision won’t be made before September, it could mean that hundreds of CBD and hemp products would be unable to legally retail on the European market.
[BusinessCann] Europe’s CBD U-Turn Set To Cause Widespread Harm To Businesses And Consumers
Confirmation that the European Union is looking to treat CBD as a narcotic drug have rocked the industry.
BusinessCann reported earlier this month that moves were underway to change the status of cannabidiol (CBD) in the European Union from a food to a drug.
[Food Navigator] UK cannabinoid industry spots opportunity as EC considers reclassifying CBD a narcotic
The UK could be set to emerge as a global leader in the research and development of CBD as a food ingredient after the news that the European Commission has postponed the Novel Food applications of non-synthetic CBD products as it decides whether to class non-synthetic CBD as a narcotic.
[Nutra Ingredients] CBD Novel Foods deadline fast approaching as firms embrace regulatory challenges
With UK FSA (Food Standards Agency) setting 31 March as the deadline for firms to have validated novel foods application for its #CBD products, how are firms responding to this challenge in the current climate?’
The ACI Partners with The ReLeaf CBD Podcast
The ACI is pleased to announce a partnership with The CBD Podcast by ReLeaf. The partnership commences with an interview with members of The ACI’s Regulatory and Compliance Unit, which is headed up by Dr Parveen Bhatarah. The team, which includes several new hires, ensures that our members are fully compliant with laws relating to cannabinoids.
[The Grocer] CBD will be removed from shelves next year, are you prepared?
The UK is the only market in the world where a clear regulatory framework exists for commercial adoption of CBD giving retailers the opportunity to participate in this huge market. However, they must ensure that their procurement process is able to identify the products that are fully safe and legal.
[Natural Products Global] ACI Launches CBD Safety Study Consortium as Novel Food Deadline Looms
UK trade body the Association for the Cannabinoid Industry (The ACI) will lead a new CBD safety study consortium to generate data to assess the safety of CBD and evaluate dosage impacts.
[CBD Intel] Researchers on safety and toxicity confident of hitting UK deadlines
An industry association study of the safety and toxicity of cannabinoids is expected to be completed in time to meet submission deadlines to keep CBD-containing food, beverage and supplement products on the UK market.
[Food Navigator] CBD body announces safety study consortium as Novel Foods crunch time looms
Ahead of the UK Food Standards Agency’s 31 March 2021 deadline for CBD products to have a validated novel foods application, the Association for the Cannabinoid Industry (ACI), which works to create a safe, legal and well-regulated CBD market in the UK, says it will lead a consortium to study the safety of CBD and decide the ingredient’s recommended daily dose.
[Nutra Ingredients] FSA provides clarity to ACI members’ CBD Novel Foods Queries.
The ACI have received clarification from the Food Standards Agency regarding updated deadlines set for Cannabinoid firms to apply for Novel Foods.
[Health Europa] FSA provides clarification concerning CBD Novel Foods applications
The FSA clarified that several products may fall within the scope of a single CBD Novel Foods application, meaning that the finished product must be made with the applied for substance, for example, a CBD extract made by ‘X’ manufacturer, and that ‘the end use or presentation of the finished products is within the ‘uses’ identified by the application’, such as 5% CBD extract in oil.
[New Food Magazine] FSA clarifies CBD novel food application questions
Members from the Association for the Cannabinoid Industry (ACI) recently raised questions regarding CBD novel food dossier applications in the UK, and the FSA has now responded to their questions in a Q&A.
[New Food Magazine] Industry body in talks with LGC to standardise cannabinoid testing
The ACI has said it is an essential step towards standardisation for the industry, and the announcement comes after months of with an analytical testing laboratory, who scrutinised the produced protocols and demonstrated them to be ‘robust’.
[Times of CBD] ACI Cannabinoid Industry Authority to Develop Standardized CBD Testing in UK
A lack of harmonization in testing for cannabinoids led to important questions regarding product labeling and the analytical methodology used to declare the percentage of CBD and controlled cannabinoids on CBD products. Up to now there has been no standard analytical methodology for CBD product testing.
[Health MJ] UK Group Proposes Standardized CBD Testing System
The standardized cannabinoid testing will allow labs to detect levels to a higher degree of precision (approximately 0.0001%). Labs will identify whether samples contain more than 0.0001% of controlled cannabinoids (equivalent to 1mg/kg).
[Health Europa] ACI Lays foundation for harmonisation of cannabinoid testing
The Association for the Cannabinoid Industry (The ACI) has today announced high-level discussions with the Laboratory of Government Chemists (LGC) that will focus on the development of a cannabinoid testing methodology.
[Natural Products Global] ACI Takes ‘Essential Step’ Towards CBD test standardisation
UK trade group the Association for the Cannabinoid Industry says it has entered into discussions wit international life sciences testing company LGC in a move it says represents an ‘essential step towards standardisation for the CBD industry’.
[Analytical Cannabis] The ACI Sets its First Standards for CBD Testing in the UK
The ACI announced today that, in partnership with the lab company Eurofins and the Laboratory of Government Chemists (LGC), a testing company and UK government advisor, it has set the first lab standards for detecting cannabinoids in CBD products sold in the UK.
[Business cann] Standardised Testing Regime Proposed For UK CBD Industry
The Association for the Cannabinoid Industry (ACI) today announced it is pressing ahead with trials on a new protocol in conjunction with UK Government chemists and testing firm Eurofins.
[Nutra Ingredients] CBD Industry body looks to lay foundation for standardised testing
The announcememt comes after months of work by the Association for the Cannabinoid Industry, led by the head of its Regulatory and Compliance Unit Dr Parveen Bhatarah, to define protocols for the analytical testing of #cannabinoids.
[Food Navigator] CBD industry body looks to lay foundation for standardisation testing
The Association for the Cannabinoid industry aims to create a safe, legal and well regulated CBD market in the UK.
[Hemp Industry Daily] Hemp groups pool resources to ensure path to CBD market in Europe
With time ticking down for CBD manufacturers to meet the UK’s deadline for having a validated EU novel food application in hand, two European hemp associations are pooling resources to meet the application’s requirements.
[Business Cann] CBD Industry Set To Launch Joint Trials To Ease Regulators’ Safety Concerns
AS regulators on both sides of the Atlantic harry an untethered and ‘unsafe’ CBD industry, signs of a co-ordinated response are emerging.
[New Food Magazine]Crunch time for UK CBD companies
With the deadline for novel food authorisation on the horizon for UK CBD companies, Shomi Malik, Development Director at The Association for the Cannabinoid Industry (ACI), outlines the steps that must be taken to ensure dossiers meet the required standards.
[Food Navigator] CBD and Novel Foods: A guide to who, what and when.
CBD is considered a novel food by European regulators. While many CBD products remain on the market, they have not been authorised by European authorities.
[Cannavist Magazine] Less than half of the CBD products on sale in the UK contain the amount advertised.
Professor Saoirse O’Sullivan, The Association for the Cannabinoid Industry Science Lead, said these UK findings are in line with similar studies conducted in other countries where CBD use has grown popular.