What’s the one CBD issue that sets tongues, and tails, wagging?

Many of the CBD products we use as humans are tested on animals. So why can’t we give it to our pets? In the UK, the Veterinary Medicines Directorate (VMD) considers CBD products intended for animal use to be veterinary medicines, making it illegal to administer cannabinoids to our pets without a prescription. To date, […]
How safe is CBD?

Widely available in an array of formats across the wellness category, the rise of this hemp extract in consumer products begs the question – how safe is CBD? Years of consumption of CBD have provided a wealth of information about safety. – Toxicology expert, Dr Paul Duffy Skincare and cosmetics When it comes to applying […]
Made in the UK: Columbia Care launches first medical cannabis vape products manufactured in the UK

British medical cannabis patients will be able to access UK-made vape products for the first time. One of the original providers of CBD and medical cannabis in the US, Columbia Care, has become the first company to formulate cannabis vape products in the UK. The vaporizers and compatible cartridges come under the company’s flagship medical […]
The endocannabinoid system explained

How does CBD work in the body? What does the research say? And, does it really work? This is the endocannabinoid system explained. In this introduction to the endocannabinoid system, we’ll explain the terms, functions and meaning behind this biological system that has the wellness world talking. What is the Endocannabinoid System? If CBD interests […]