[Hemp Today] Number of CBD products with preliminary approval in UK balloons to nearly 6,000
[Financial Times] UK crackdown on CBD upends rapidly growing market
[Hemp Today] Clear leaders emerge from crowd chasing UK’s highly prized CBD jackpot
[The Grocer] What’s next for the 120 CBD brands not on the FSA’s list?
[The Times] Cannabis oil products to be withdrawn from sale in safety crackdown
[AG Funder] UK becomes first country to regulate CBD products as food, ‘de-risks category for investors’
[Bloomberg] U.K. Takes First Step to Police CBD-Infused Foods Market
[New Food Magazine] Everything you need to know about the FSA’s CBD list
[Cannabis Science and Technology] United Kingdom’s Food Standards Agency Releases a Public List of Legally Permitted Cannabinoid Products for Consumers
[The Guardian] Food Standards Agency draws up list of food products containing cannabidiol
The Food Standards Agency (FSA) has created a list of more than 3,500 food products infused with cannabidiol (CBD), bringing them one step closer to being authorised as part of government plans to wrest control over a flourishing industry.