[Analytical Cannabis] The ACI Adds 16 CBD Companies to Its CBD Toxicity Trial
Sixteen CBD companies have signed up to a UK trial that will help determine the toxicity and safety of the popular cannabis compound.
The study, which has been organized by the UK’s Association for the Cannabinoid Industry (ACI), will involve 90-day-long tests on rodents to assess how CBD affects the liver, if it promotes drowsiness, and how it may interact with other drugs.
[Hemp Today] British CBD group says it may spend up to €1 million on tests
A British trade group says it has formed a consortium that may spend up to £1million (€1 million; $1.27 million) to carry out trials aimed at demonstrating the safety of CBD. The Association for the Cannabinoid Industry (ACI) said the research intends to answer questions posed by the UK’s Food Standards Agency (FSA).
[Canex] UK CBD Industry Body Announce Landmark Safety Study Consortia
Today, the Association for the Cannabinoid Industry (ACI), in partnership with Advanced Development and Safety Laboratory (ADSL), is announcing a landmark study with a consortium of CBD companies to build a sustainable, safe, and fully compliant industry in the UK.
[CBD Intel] ACI consortium approach to obtain safety data for CBD moves forward
The Association for the Cannabinoid Industry will move forward with its consortium approach to obtaining toxicology and safety data for CBD with at least 15 companies having signed up.
[Food Navigator] CBD industry consortium kicks off ‘landmark Safety Study’: The UK will be in a position to take the global lead on CBD in food
A UK CBD industry body is leading a consortium of companies to conduct a ‘landmark’ study on the safety of cannabidiol. This mean manufacturers in the country are in a ‘position to take the global lead’ on CBD in food, FoodNavigator was told.
[The Cannavist] The Association for the Cannabinoid Industry (ACI) has announced details of a study that will assess the safety of CBD ahead of the March 2021 novel foods deadline
The ACI has teamed up with the Advanced Development and Safety Laboratory (ADSL) and a consortium of CBD companies who are ‘committed to building a sustainable, safe and fully compliant industry in the UK’.
[New Food Magazine] Plans announced for creation of safe, sustainable CBD industry
Today (25 September 2020), the Association for the Cannabinoid Industry (ACI), in partnership with Advanced Development and Safety Laboratory (ADSL), has announced the launch of a landmark study with a consortium of CBD companies who are jointly committed to building a sustainable, safe and fully-compliant industry in the UK.
[BusinessCann] Fifteen Company Consortium For Europe’s Largest – £1m – CBD Toxicity Trial
With the Novel Food Validation deadline date of March 31, 2021, approaching, the research is designed to assure UK regulators, the Food Standards Agency, of the safety of the CBD products of the participating companies.
[HBW Insight] UK CBD Industry Welcomes FSA Clarification On Novel Food Evidence Requirement
The UK’s Association for the Cannabinoid Industry has welcomed a clarification from the country’s Food Standards Agency concerning the need for new evidence as part of Novel Food applications for cannabidiol food supplements.
[Hemp Industry Daily] UK food regulators reject CBD as narcotic, stand by novel food deadline
Great Britain has rejected the European Commission’s preliminary stance that hemp flower-derived CBD should be regulated as a narcotic, a key food safety regulator in the United Kingdom says.