It’s ACI’s Birthday – Here’s A Look At What We’ve Achieved In Our First Year
A year ago, the Association for the Cannabinoid Industry (ACI) was launched by a group of cannabinoid enthusiasts and experts. Here’s a few highlights, of the many significant achievements, we have made within the cannabinoid space in our first year.
Robert Hoban Discusses the UN Vote on Narcotics
On Wednesday 4th November 2020 ACI hosted a members only conversation with Robert Hoban about the UN Vote on narcotics. Robert Hoban is a leading cannabis attorney in the US as well as the cannabis commentator for Forbes magazine. You can read one of Robert’s articles here which was published by Forbes where he discussed the United States’ apprehension to legalise […]
[Food Navigator] UK CBD industry body becalmed after novel foods applications clarification
The UK’s Food Standards Authority has clarified the data requirements for CBD novel foods applications. This has been welcomed by CBD industry body the ACI as an important step in ensuring the sector’s safety credentials during a time when a cloud of regulatory uncertainty hangs in other parts of Europe.
ACI Statement on ACNFP’s CBD Clarifications
The ACI welcomes the recent clarifications from The Advisory Council for Novel Foods and Processes (ACNFP) relating to the data requirements for CBD novel foods applications. The ACNFP, who are an advisory committee to the FSA, highlighted the following key points, which emphasise the importance of ACI’s consortium approach to generating this data.
[Hemp Industry Daily] UK’s CBD market scrambles to prepare for March novel food deadline
Starting April 1 2021, no CBD product on the U.K. market will be allowed to stay there without validation by food-safety authorities. Hemp Industry Daily takes a look at the readiness of the industry.
[EU Today] UK CBD Industry Going Strong Despite Ongoing Setbacks
Although Covid-19 continues to have a profoundly negative effect on the UK’s economy, some businesses have seen growth. One market that appears to be doing particularly well is cannabidiol (CBD): the beneficial, non-intoxicating cannabis compound.
[Analytical Cannabis] The ACI Adds 16 CBD Companies to Its CBD Toxicity Trial
Sixteen CBD companies have signed up to a UK trial that will help determine the toxicity and safety of the popular cannabis compound.
The study, which has been organized by the UK’s Association for the Cannabinoid Industry (ACI), will involve 90-day-long tests on rodents to assess how CBD affects the liver, if it promotes drowsiness, and how it may interact with other drugs.
[Hemp Today] British CBD group says it may spend up to €1 million on tests
A British trade group says it has formed a consortium that may spend up to £1million (€1 million; $1.27 million) to carry out trials aimed at demonstrating the safety of CBD. The Association for the Cannabinoid Industry (ACI) said the research intends to answer questions posed by the UK’s Food Standards Agency (FSA).
[Canex] UK CBD Industry Body Announce Landmark Safety Study Consortia
Today, the Association for the Cannabinoid Industry (ACI), in partnership with Advanced Development and Safety Laboratory (ADSL), is announcing a landmark study with a consortium of CBD companies to build a sustainable, safe, and fully compliant industry in the UK.
[CBD Intel] ACI consortium approach to obtain safety data for CBD moves forward
The Association for the Cannabinoid Industry will move forward with its consortium approach to obtaining toxicology and safety data for CBD with at least 15 companies having signed up.